Humic Acid Substances

Humic acid is a class of organic substances mainly found in humus in soil. It is formed by microbial decomposition of plant and animal remains and has a brown to black color. Humic acid usually has a variety of functional groups, such as carboxylic acid, phenolic, amide, etc., and has strong acidity. G-Teck had researched to make humic acid and fulvic acid with different raw material, such as mine source(leonardite).

  • Water Soluble Humic Acid Fertilizer: Potassium Humate

    Water Soluble Humic Acid Fertilizer: Potassium Humate

    Potassium humate is the potassium salt of humic acid, produced by commercial alkaline extraction of weathered  leonardite. It is primarily used as a soil conditioner and in agriculture as a valuable fertilizer additive that increases the efficiency of fertilizers, especially those containing nitrogen and phosphorus.

  • Fulvic Humic Minerals: Potassium Humate Top

    Fulvic Humic Minerals: Potassium Humate Top

    Potassium humate is a high-quality organic fertilizer that contains high concentrations of humic acid, fulvic acid and potassium. Humic and fulvic acids are naturally occurring compounds found in soil organic matter. They play a vital role in soil and plant health as they help improve soil structure, increase nutrient retention, and enhance plant growth and stress resistance.